Welcome to my messy head!

Well, (I honestly don’t know if i should start my first post with the word “well”; but here goes!) I don’t think I’m a very good writer but lately such cryptic thoughts have been coming to my mind and I just felt I had to pen them down somewhere, anywhere.

I was just talking a friend of mine the other day about how we girls are not very different from boys. (Yes of course there’s a lot of difference I’m sure.. but hear me out and then judge me.) Two girls in an extremely complicated relationship with their exes go out for a girls night out and one of them has fought with her supposedly ex with whom she’s apparently still hooking up (refrain your judgement please..we are all weak at some point in our lives.) So, however this fight happens and she decides she is going to just meet some random guy and try and get over the guy she’s been trying to get over since forever now. And there’s no call from her ex and she hasn’t called him up eater after the fight and it was then I realised .. We are all alike. Boys and Girls.

It’s funny how we always blame the boys for not calling us back after an argument and then e end up calling them only yo taunt them. But in those few hours when that girl didn’t call up her ex and was going out just fine I figured that it’s only a matter of willpower. Clear willpower and nothing else. And one has to agree boys are better at that than most of the girls and hence we (or some of us the weaker ones) end up calling them back first.

It’s never about how he didn’t want to talk to you or he was so and that he would never speak to you .. He feels exactly the way you do. So do not doubt him, question his love, or manipulate his feelings or go crazy over thinking … Wait for the call if you have the strength or just simply pick up that phone and all him up to just cheer your own mood and his of course.

And to all those wondering, the girl met a few random boys.. It was fun … but she wouldn’t dare to settle for anything lesser than what she had earlier.

Oh and she got the call. I guess boys do lose their will power sometimes too.

Until next time.